Sunday, March 7, 2010

58 degrees in the sun . . .Woot!

Alaska statehood monument 1959. Eisenhower. Anchorage is the largest city in Alaska with about 42% of the people in the entire state. Total population of Alaska is about 627,000.

Just got back from the Dog Track. We took the El Camino. What a gorgeous day. There was someone else walking and four people riding bikes today! Becky, her son and husband stopped in to watch Puppy's Pop fly. There were motorcycles out galore and the car wash had lines of people waiting to clean off the winter blues. My Saturn looks beautiful now that it's all washed up and the Dodge looks brand new. They were washed right out here in the yard. There's a real sand pile in the driveway now!

Getting ready to watch the UCONN women in the Big East Tournament. It's going to be fun to watch after seeing the men go down the tubes yesterday. The Big East men's tournament starts later this week. I hope UCONN can at least make the NIT after this disastrous season.

Quote: Sunday is the golden clasp that binds together the volume of the week. __Longfellow

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