Thursday, March 18, 2010

More sunshine . . .

Poor little Kiddo. We were having such a good time playing basketball yesterday and when we went into the house he said his stomach hurt. I figured that he just didn't want to do some school work we had to catch up on. Nope, he was so sick: barfed and had the chills. Mom came home and then Dad came to stay with him. It seems he was barfing into the night. It's awful when kids get sick but he's a real trooper. He even thanked me for cleaning him up! Too sweet. I'll still go to lunch duty today as he'll be with his Mom and then see if she needs me to help out. Hopefully he's on the mend this morning.

I'm so excited because I get to have a new wheel barrow! Yes! I've been begging for one because you have to put air in the tire of the old thing and it's very heavy. Grampa finally saw an ad in the paper for Tractor Supply and he's off to buy one. Now, that is one cool, smart husband. It's got four wheels and is more like a wagon. That'll be perfect. Even if it isn't perfect I'll never let on!

Just a little bragging - it's not so much the prayers that are important here - but the well disciplined mind. Kiddo can say the Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be and Angel of God my guardian . . . by heart. No stumbles. Some of the words are a little squished together but I think that's impressive. Yesterday we spent quite a while sitting outside on the steps telling Knock, Knock jokes. Then while he was taking his bath I would start a nursery rhyme and he would complete it. Pretty neat. Hope he's feeling better. We're taking him to see 101 Dalmatians Sunday at PPAC.

Quote: Education of the human mind commences in the cradle. __T. Cogan

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