Thursday, March 11, 2010

Gray day . . . but still a good day!

There really are salmon in this photo!

Yes, it's gray and drizzly but I passed my yearly checkup with Dr. Slater so all is well with my world. I even went to Dairy Queen to celebrate. Had my usual Reese's Peanut Buttercup Blizzard with chocolate ice cream and double peanut buttercup. Salubrious! Pure heaven! Makes me feel so rich! It's such a fantabulous comfort food! We should always be so lucky as to have such a delicious diversion so close at hand. It really takes your mind off of any possible woes, vexations or blues. Simply put: I love them!

A few accidents on the way back from Groton today. I just mind my own business and try to stay out of lines of traffic. I stay ahead of them or behind them. I hate queues! Grampa almost lost a plane today when his lines got caught together but he managed to save it. I wasn't there but it must have been quite a sight to see him handling the mess. It's truly impressive that he managed to get the plane down in one piece. That guy is AOK! Daughter has asked me to help out at the lounge for St. Patrick's Day, only from 11am to about 5pm depending on how busy they get. I'll just be a gopher. Sounds like a good time. That'll probably take care of my walking for that day.

Quote: That which makes people dissatisfied with their condition, is the chimerical idea they form of the happiness of others. __Thomson

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