Saturday, March 27, 2010

And what can brown do for you . . .

View of places to stay in Denali National Park.

Oh my. I decided to go up the hill and rake the leaves near the wall so I could uncover the daffodils, iris's and green runners Aunt C had given me last year. What a lot of leaves. Grampa came out with the shredder to help get rid of the huge piles I had and I used my lovely, sturdy brown wagon. What a neat wagon it is! I can dump the wagon with a special handle just like a dump truck. I didn't know that. What a nice surprise. It a whole lot easier than the barrow or a regular wagon. I'm all hot and sweaty, even got the hat band damp! Now that's a lot of work. Grampa even took me walking today so I should sleep like a baby tonight.

Had a slight catastrophe yesterday. Got a call in Groton to come and pick up Kiddo at school because he had fallen off of the top step to the slides and right down into the wood chips. He hurt his head and so we had to be careful of a possible concussion. I had to wake him up twice during the night just to make sure he could wake up. Fun. He's a good kid and a trooper and we all survived. Of course I brought him to the Hobby Shop and we bought Connect Four and two new Bakugan. He plays a pretty impressive game of Connect Four. He's starting to "strategize!"

Well Puppy's Pop is all finished with his shower and making sure he didn't get any ticks so now I'll clean up too. Then pepper steak on rice for supper.

Quote: Never rise to speak till you have something to say; and when you have said it, cease. __Witherspoon

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