Monday, March 22, 2010

Gray mood . . .

My favorite home by the side of the tracks. Notice the raised cache on the right. It keeps the animals from getting to the provisions (most of the time.)

Felt like I didn't have a choice. I'm depressed with the Congress and in order to keep on fighting the nanny state I've joined the Heritage Foundation. We'll just have to vote the do-gooder- nanny- staters out in November. Not sure it can be done. Because many people want something for nothing we're in dire straits. The majority of welfare recipients deem it reasonable that someone else pay for them. As incredible as it seems that's what we'll be doing. Welfare will reach into the realm of families making over $88,000 a year. How can this be poverty? I've lost my way. I've got to hope that Heritage can help me find it before I get really cranky.

Yesterday was a very good day even though 101 Dalmatians was a bit of a let down. It wasn't put together by Disney and I hate to admit that it should have been. It was OK but I really prefer stupendous plays when Kiddo is with us. Had a good lunch at Smokey Bones and beautiful weather along with good company so "all's well that ends well."

Getting caught up on the laundry on this normal March gray day.

Quote: History is little more than the register of the crimes, follies, and misfortunes of mankind. __Gibbon

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