Monday, March 8, 2010

How cool is this . . .

In 1904 rail construction was begun. It was halted several times but began again in 1915 when the construction office was moved from Seward to Anchorage. The construction equipment used on the railroad was shipped to Alaska from the Panama Canal Railroad. This in engine #1 which was refurbished in 1995. It was originally narrow gauge.

Such a grand day so we took off for the Hog Heaven Hobby Shop in Fiskdale, MA, a village in Sturbridge. Went the whole way by Route 69. It was beautiful. We were even able to open the windows on the Saturn. After picking up the odds and ends Puppy's Pop needed and buying two more plane books for Kiddo we were on our way. Stopped in South Woodstock, CT for lunch at Java Jive. It really doesn't sound like an inviting place for a couple of old timers like us but . . .it was just perfect. Small breakfast and lunch restaurant, maybe holds 25 people max. The menu is small but all homemade and fresh. We'll be going back again, I'm sure. Went to the Dog Track when we got home and, how cool is this? I forgot to close and lock the kitchen door before we left! I was surprised to see the sun just shining in the kitchen when we arrived back home. I actually called out to see if anyone was home! Nothing missing and warm sunlight streaming in. We got to 65 degrees today. Now I know why I love New England. You can't appreciated a 65 degree day in March except after you've been through a cold, gray, snowy winter.

Quote: A face that cannot smile is like a bud that cannot blossom . . . __H.W.Beecher

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