Saturday, March 6, 2010

UCONN men lost . . . yet a good day!

Woo! Hoo! The streets of Anchorage . . .

Those UCONN men drive me crazy but at least Calhoun wised up and put in the second string for most of the second half and they did quite well. At least they worked hard and weren't trying to show off. Neat idea. Let's play to win. Let's not show off and lose. Yes, they lost, but they went down playing hard.

Even though kiddo was sick yesterday, a cold, of course, we had a great time. He put together the 5 planes that Grampa had gotten him and we spent a good part of the afternoon flying planes off of the big rock. All he kept saying as the planes were zipping around was, "This is awesome!" "Awesome!" " Watch me! This is awesome!" Grampa and I were cracking up. When one of our planes went a bit further than his we had to start taking turns! Too much fun. We were out there early this morning right after breakfast flying again. Late this morning he and I went to Friendly Bowl in Brooklyn for his cousin's 6 Birthday Party. He spent almost all of the two hours 10 pin bowling. What a good time. Wouldn't even take much time out for lunch, none for cake or the pinata. Got him back to Richoni's for about 2pm where his older brother made him some chicken fingers. I'm sure he ate well. He was starving by the time we got there! Cool kid. Good day!

It's so beautiful out today that I've opened the door in the living room near the driveway to let that glorious sun shine in. It was 57 degrees in the sun and Puppy's Pop washed both vehicles. My poor Saturn was so dirty I think that the gas mileage had gone down to 30mpg because of the weight of the dirt! Clean car . . . clean truck. Cool beansies!

Had some visitors last night. Puppy's Pop's younger brother and his wife came for a visit to introduce us to the newest puppy. They still have Bijoux, Shelby's cousin, and now they also have Ozark (he's from Oklahoma) a terrible little miniature Doberman. Nasty little puppy, if you ask me. But of course no one asks me. I really like Bijoux. She is a jewel and she will be allowed to come for Easter Dinner! She sits nicely under the table and doesn't even beg!

Cousin Alice's daughter is quite ill and the doctors don't seem to know how to help her out. She looks like a waif and can't keep any food down. Has been hospitalized numerous times but no one seems to be able to find the cause. Must keep her in my prayers. Not sure what else to do. She's been sent to many specialists and nothing definitive has come of it. Her husband and two daughters are struggling to hang in there and keep up her spirits.

Quote: An ounce of mother is worth a pound of clergy. __Spanish Proverb

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