Monday, May 24, 2010

And we were off this morning riding around the English country side. What a beautiful land. We drove through picturesque villages and farmland that is so different from home. The villages are compact, with their attached houses and every one of them has a wonderful flower garden surrounded by hedges. The fields are separated from each other by hedge rows or very neat walls. The fields of rape seed are startling in bright yellow. I shall have to look on a map to see exactly where we went. Even last year we never drove by any place that wasn't cultivated in some way.

I haven't been to the pub yet but Grampa and G. spent our first afternoon there while D. and I got our groceries. Still got up late this morning, 8:30! Wow, I'm getting lazy. Have already gotten in a good walk going down to the base of the waterfall and then climbing up to the top. I'll see if I can find a link so you'll have an idea of how beautiful it is.

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