Monday, May 17, 2010

Another great show . . .

Three male humming birds have been going at it. I noticed it yesterday when I was resting on my 'mood swing.' They were attacking each other and almost wiped me out as I was walking up the driveway from the garden. At dinner Grampa and I had the perfect view of them still dive bombing each other and then taking off like maniacs for the other feeder in the dog wood tree. Now, at my slow paced breakfast they're still going strong. We haven't seen too many females so I'm not sure what's going on. Grampa has three humming bird feeders and an oriole feeder so they don't have to fight but they seem to be having a blast zipping around the yard.

Was going to plant the garden tomorrow but yesterday was such a gorgeous sunny, mild day that I completed the work except for the tomatoes, snap dragons and zinnias. I'll get those as plants when we get back from England. I walked at the Track yesterday while Puppy's Pop was flying. I was slower than usual but got in all three laps. Then we went to Canterbury to see if Westview on North Society Road was open. Nope, they're out of business. What a shame. I wanted to order my Whoppers (tomatoes) and my flowers from them. They had the best plants in the area. I'll stop by Hart's on Route 14 today and ask them to hold some plants for me. I hope it'll work out. Sometimes, when I've been late getting the garden done I've had trouble getting the plants I wanted. I've already planted the dahlia toes, Marketmore cucumbers, Indian corn (have to get another package as there were a whopping 19 seeds in the one I had!), green beans, radishes, Swiss chard, beets, field pumpkins and crook neck squash. I'm already salivating just imagining the pleasure of eating our home grown veggies. Nice. I thought I'd be really sore today after spending more than three hours working outside but I'm feeling great.

I'll walk inside today even though it is beautiful out because I'm waiting breathlessly for FedEx. Yes! The iPad should be in today. Someone must sign for it or FedEx won't leave it. It's in transit from China by way of Anchorage, Newark and was in East Granby as of late Friday. I hope I don't go over board buying all sorts of applications for it. But I think I'll have to have a couple of games! Can't wait to start playing with it. It was so sleek and neat at the Apple Store in New Hampshire.

Quote: Error is sometimes so nearly allied to truth that it blends with it as imperceptibly as the colors of the rainbow fade into each other. __Clulow

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