Monday, May 10, 2010

Yucky . . .

Haven't had one of these days in ages! 50's, partly sunny, windy and I had a Doctor's appointment for 10:15 am. Got into the office about 10:50 and didn't leave until noon. Yikes! I had a slight ear problem, that's it. But, oh well, it's pretty well fixed so when I got home we left for Ritz Camera in Warwick because my wonderful Konica/Minolta won't let us use the eye piece any more. I love that camera and so we thought we'd get it fixed where we bought it. As we left I said to Grampa, "You know what? How much you wanna bet Ritz doesn't exist any more?" He just laughed. Well, of course, they don't exist in Warwick or Waterford, CT anymore. The closest one is in Southbury, CT and they no longer fix Konica/Minoltas (which, of course, has been bought by Sony.) A bit of sleuthing on line and a call to Cooper's Photography in Norwich led me to Precision Camera Repair in Enfield, CT. They'll repair the camera for $200. We're going to give them a try because we paid a heck of a lot for that camera in 2004. But the lady told me that pretty soon they won't be able to get parts etc. so I'd better get used to the idea of a new camera in a few years. Double "Yuck." I can't win today. So, I'll just quit right now before something else goes wrong. Even supper was a bummer. The Sesame Chicken that was so delicious yesterday was, (you got it!) yucky tonight! And the insurance bill came in for the Hot Rod! At least the wine was good along with the Suphedrine!

Quote: The man with but one idea in his head, is sure to exaggerate that to topheaviness, and thus he loses his equilibrium. _A. Hill

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