Monday, May 3, 2010

And we're back . . .

Braided river.

Grampa is trying to get the lawn mowed before we have more rain. Louisiana weather followed us all the way home even from Memphis to Detroit and then on to Providence: the hot and muggies are here! Don't expect it to last though. Just checked the asparagus and it's doing just fine. Uncle R stopped every other day to check the house and picked the asparagus as it ripened. The rhubarb was also picked along with some chives. That's great. Keeps everything nice and young and fresh. Just did a bit of weeding and cleaning up the sticks in the yard from the winds that were here last week. The wild strawberries are in bloom along with the purple violets, silver dollars and lily of the valley. The dog wood is in full swing. Yea!

Went to Richoni's for lunch and it was super. Had an excellent Margarita on the rocks with salt and a Ruben on the grill with fries. Yummy. The cook very graciously gave us some potato salad to take home. We'll have that tonight with kielbasa and fresh asparagus. In the mail I finally received the creche I had ordered quite a while back. It is so beautiful. Just Mary, Joseph and Baby Jesus. It is designed by Patience Brewster, the same lady that designed the 12 Days of Christmas that I bought some years back in St. Francisville. Just beautiful. I've put it out on the big desk because even though it's not the right season, I love it. So that's all that matters.

Quote: If there be one thing pure, where all beside is sullied, and that can endure when all else passes away - if aught surpassing human deed, or word, or thought, it is a mother's love. __Spadara

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